I am pleased to make available to our subscribers and readers a spiral-bound hard copy collection of all of the monthly issues from 2009.

The "2009 ACOTW Bound Collection" is printed on both sides of the paper, so the bound book includes over 128 printed pages all together, plus protective plastic cover sheets, front and back.
Each copy comes with a customized cover page with your name, or if you prefer, the name of a gift recipient. You can specify this with your order.
Each "2009 ACOTW Bound Collection" is just $39.95, plus $4.95 shipping. To order, simply click on this secure PayPal link:
Click This Order Link for 2009 ACOTW Bound Collection through PayPal
To order more than one copy through PayPal, simply click again on the secure PayPal link, for each additional "2009 ACOTW Bound Collection" which you need.
I hope you are able to take advantage of this special offer to order a complete hard copy "2009 ACOTW Bound Collection" including each monthly issue from this first year of your internet eMagazine "Arrowhead Collecting On The Web".
F. Scott Crawford
Publisher, "Arrowhead Collecting On The Web"
You are invited to visit my web site for more background information and photographs related to the making of arrowheads: www.Arrowhead-MakeYourOwn.com
For fully photo-illustrated process information related to the making of an obsidian Gunther style arrowhead, plus photographs of a number of ancient and authentic Gunther type arrowheads, you are invited to visit my other web site: www.Arrowhead-Maker.com